Abby had her Zoo Phonics parade on Friday. She was the cutest penguin. She got really aggitated with her costume though. You can tell a little in the video. She got really hot in it. When I went to give her a hug when it was all over, she said, "Mama, I'm hot. I wanna take this off now. "
It just amazes me that she is in school now. I just had her yesterday. Watching her performance the other day, I started to tear up before she ever came on just thinking about it.
Carter is cute as ever. Steve has taught him to say, " I Rock." It is so cute and funny to hear him say it. He says it all the time now.
I can't decide what to dress Carter as for Halloween. Abby wants to be a cat. I can't think of anything that really goes with that. I thought of a mouse maybe- Mickey Mouse. I have also thought of a pirate. He often makes the "Arrgh" sound like a pirate (sometimes he is being a dinosaur or a monster or a tiger or bear when he makes the sound- depending on the situation)
Steve is getting excited about graduate school. He starts in just a few weeks now. Nothing exciting is happening with me. I have just been working and spending time with the family otherwise.
No doubt Abby was ready to get out of the penguin suit--it's not much different from wearing car ceat upholstery. She did make a precocious little penguin, though.
She is getting older, true. But, you can still do things like making her smile and laugh just by lifting her over your head. That hasn't changed. I don't know about you, but I intend to take advantage of little things like that for as long as they last.
Carter would make a cute dinosaur--he'd probably love a costume with a nice big tail. Or, you could spike his hair, grab some of Abby's chains and the Hannah Montana guitar, and turn him into punk rock boy. (You so totally rock, Squirt! So gimme some fin...noggin...dude!)
Compared to the others, Leigh Anne, you may not think your life is the most exciting. Yours is, though, the one in which I'm most fascinated...partly because I know yours is what makes the others' lives go.
Finally!! A new post! Abby looked so cute in her "boy" penguin costume. What is she going to be for Halloween? I think a punk rock boy would be cute, or the pirate but that might be harder to do.
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